Specialising in the Effective Management
of Biofouling and Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS)

BFS Research Publications
Invasive Marine Species transport pathways
Coutts, A. D. M., Valentine, J. P., Edgar, G. J., Davey, A., Burgess-Wilson, B. (2010). Removing vessels from the water for biofouling treatment has the potential to introduce mobile non-indigenous marine species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60: 1533-1540.
Coutts, A. D. M., Piola, R. F., Taylor, M. D., Hewitt, C. L., Gardner, P. A. (2010). The effect of vessel speed on the survivorship of biofouling organisms at different hull locations. Biofouling. 26: 539-553.
Lewis, J. A., Coutts, A. D. M. (2009). Biofouling Invasions. In: Dürr, S and Thomason, J. C. (Eds), Biofouling, Blackwell Publishing.
Coutts, A. D. M., Taylor, M. D., Hewitt, C. L. (2007). Novel method for assessing the en route survivorship of biofouling organisms on various vessels types at different hull locations. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 97-116.
Coutts, A. D. M., Dodgshun, T. D. (2007). The nature and extent of fouling in vessel sea-chests: a protected mechanism for marine bioinvasions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 876-886.
Lewis, P.N., Bergestrom, D.M., Whinam, J. (2006). Barging in: a temperate community travels to the subantarctic. Biological Invasions, 8(4): 787-795.
Lewis, P.N., Riddle, M.J., Smith, S.D.A. (2005). Assisted passage or passive drift: a comparison of alternative transport mechanisms for non-indigenous species into the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 17(2): 183-191.
Coutts, A. D. M., Taylor, M. D. (2004). A preliminary investigation of biosecurity risks associated with biofouling on merchant vessels in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 38, 215-229.
Coutts, A. D. M., Taylor, M. D. (2004). Case study 1: Biofouling on merchant vessels in New Zealand. Proceedings of a workshop on current issues and potential management strategies: hull fouling as a mechanism for marine alien species introductions to Hawaii, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 12-13, 2003.
Coutts, A. D. M., Taylor, M. D. (2004). Marine Biosecurity in New Zealand. Proceedings of a workshop on current issues and potential management strategies: hull fouling as a mechanism for marine alien species introductions to Hawaii, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 12-13, 2003.
Lewis, P.N., Riddle, M.J., Hewitt, C.L. (2004). Management of exogenous threats to Antarctica and the subantarctic islands: balancing risks from TBT and non-indigenous marine organisms. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49: 999-1005.
Coutts, A. D. M. (2003). Case study 2: Dumb barge teaches important lessons. Proceedings of a workshop on current issues and potential management strategies: hull fouling as a mechanism for marine alien species introductions to Hawaii, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 12-13, 2003.
Coutts, A. D. M., Moore, K. M., Hewitt, C. L. (2003). Ships’ sea-chests: an overlooked transfer mechanism for non-indigenous marine species? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46, 1504-1515.
Lewis, P.N., Hewitt, M.J., Riddle, M., McMinn, A. (2003). Marine introductions in the Southern Ocean: an unrecognized hazard to biodiversity. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46: 213-233.