Specialising in the Effective Management
of Biofouling and Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS)

Biofouling or Invasive Aquatic Species (IAS) Inspections
We offer a complete range of vessel inspection service capable of meeting various regulatory or industry biosecurity standards.
Our inspectors can either travel to you (anywhere in the world) or provide guidance via our new remote inspection software either in dry-dock, or using commercial divers or Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs).

Our Inspection Services Include:
Review of any applicable regulatory and/or project specific biofouling, IAS or environmental requirements/commitments
Desktop likelihood/risk assessment based on the vessel's historical movements and biofouling management measures relative to aforementioned requirements/commitments.
Advisory service surrounding cost-effective management options to meet various regulatory and/or project specific requirements.
Capable of undertaking dry (dry-docking, heavy-lift) or wet inspections (coordinating commercial divers or Remotely Operated Vehicles).
Inspection of all topside immersible equipment
Inspection of all internal seawater systems
External hull inspection (including all niche areas)
Capable of assisting with the coordination and supervision of any cleaning or treatments of topside immersible equipment, internal seawater systems and/or external hull in dry-dock or in-water.
We are now capable of offering remote inspection services via our new software (see below)
Interim Inspection Report within 24 hours of completing a final inspection.
Final Inspection Report within 5 working days of completing a final inspection.
Our Experience
Having inspected over 1,700 vessels including 58 different vessel types across 23 countries, we are one of the most experienced companies in the world!

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions, BFS has developed the capability of offering clients the option to undertake virtual remote inspections.
BFS can achieve this by either supplying clients with our remote inspection hardware kit or have them download the remote inspection software onto their Smartphone. BFS can then remote into these devises and coordinate a live inspection as if a BFS inspector was present.
This service is still capable of meeting various regulatory requirements.
Please contact us to learn more!
Remote Inspection Service